

Taking you through latest developments in bionics and allied fields


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June 06, 2024

2.5 Billion Reasons to Act

A Global Reset on the 1st World Day for Assistive Technology

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Latest reads in bionics and allied fields

May 28, 2024

Building A Stronger Future

How Exoskeletons Are Empowering Workers, Soldiers, and Patients

May 21, 2024

Future is Here, But Are We Ready?

Ethical Considerations in Bionic Technology: A Developing World Perspective

April 16, 2024

Beyond the Cast

How 3D Scanners Capture Intricate Details for Socket Fabrication

Mar 12, 2024

The Symphony of Movement

A Look at The Evolving Landscape of Bionic Arm Control Methods

Mar 05, 2024

Revolutionizing Rehabilitation

How Advanced Manufacturing and 3D Printing are Shaping the Future of Bionic Arms

Woman with Prosthesis Learning to Dance
Woman with Prosthesis Learning to Dance
Woman with Prosthesis Learning to Dance
Woman with Prosthesis Learning to Dance
Woman with Prosthesis Learning to Dance

Feb 20, 2024

Bridging Biology & Technology

The Evolution of Bionic Prosthesis for Amputees

Woman with Prosthetic Arm Meditating
Woman with Prosthetic Arm Meditating
Woman with Prosthetic Arm Meditating
Woman with Prosthetic Arm Meditating
Woman with Prosthetic Arm Meditating

Feb 13, 2024

Decoding Innovation

A look at the technology behind Exobot Dynamics’ advanced bionic limbs

Modern disabled girl in VR glasses interacting with augmented reality, using bionic prosthetic arm
Modern disabled girl in VR glasses interacting with augmented reality, using bionic prosthetic arm
Modern disabled girl in VR glasses interacting with augmented reality, using bionic prosthetic arm
Modern disabled girl in VR glasses interacting with augmented reality, using bionic prosthetic arm
Modern disabled girl in VR glasses interacting with augmented reality, using bionic prosthetic arm

Feb 06, 2024

The Future of Bionic Limbs

Exobot Dynamics’ vision for advanced functionality and enhanced lives

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